blog 8

 Hello everyone, i hope you are all well. this is my 8th and last blog! and i going to talk about my experience learning English at university and the challenges of the english language.

My experience learning english at the university has been nice in general, i like the classes because was interesting to learn about topics of general interest and practice english at the same time, that makes that the classes weren´t too exhaustive. about the blogs i think they were very simple to do and the teacher give us the list of topics that we have to talk about (that is so helpful when i run out of ideas) and is a very good way of practicing english, although some weeks i hate them because in those terrible weeks that i had a lot of workload they were so stressful to do when a was doing the homework (at the last hour xd) of the others courses, like the last week that i completely forgot to do the blog :c

I think that i have to improve my vocabulary and the conjugation of verbs, and i think that i can improve that with a lot of practice.

Outside of the class, i don´t use to use english a lot, and my level of english makes me feel insecure sometimes, especially if the person that i´m talking with knows talk in English very well, anyway sometimes i talk in English  with my sister when we are talking about something that we don´t want my mom to listen (or understand) xd


  1. Hello Alyson, I also practice with my sister, sometimes we are both wrong in what we say xd, but it is part of learning, nice blog.

  2. i like the classes because was interesting --> i like the classes because it was interesting


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