blog 7: changes to my study program
Hello everyone, i hope you are all well. this is my 7th blog, and i going to talk about what i think that should change in my study program or in general in my career.
I'm studying public administration and I'm just in my first year (of 5) so i don't have enough experience yet, to say if changes should be made to the curriculum (i could propose to delete completely math) because i hate it xd (just kidding, because i know that -sadly- they are necessary:C)
About the workload, i think that it is fine, but the distribution sometimes make that in some weeks I don't have any homework, but in other weeks i have a lllllllllllllllllllot of homework, that even some times i have to miss some classes so i can complete it all.
As i said before, I'm in my first year, so i've only been in the faculty once, and just knew one classroom, it looks good, but there was just like 20 students so i can't make an opinion yet, and is the same what can i say about the technology, maybe should be more EXCEL classes, because i only took it in one semester, and it was just one class of 1 hour per week.
I have been lucky about the teachers that i had until now because i think that all of them use good methods of teaching
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